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ALICE Receptionist – Partner With the Premier Visitor Management Software Company

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Software users made their voices heard in the June 2022 Visitor Management Data Quadrant Report, where current customers rated vendor capabilities, product features, and customer experience. ALICE Receptionist scored a composite score of 8.3/10.

Industry Leader in Product Experience

ALICE Receptionist received an average score of +92 on its product experience, including its unique features and its ability to enhance performance and protect security.

Average score

Value Business drivers

ALICE Receptionist scored top industry scores compared to other visitor management software vendors on critical business drivers.


The Customer Journey & Vendor Experience

90% of clients indicated that they loved working with ALICE Receptionist. They found the ALICE Receptionist solution predictable and reliable. This partnership resulted in an increase in their day-to-day business productivity.

Love pie chart
Enables productivity pier chart
Reliable pier chart
Color legend
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Powered by Info-Tech Research Group, June 2022

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SoftwareReviews is a division of Info-Tech Research Group, a world-class IT research and analyst firm established in 1997. Backed by two decades of IT research and advisory experience, SoftwareReviews is a leading source of expertise and insight into the enterprise software landscape and client-vendor relationships.

By collecting data from real IT and business professionals, the SoftwareReviews methodology produces the most detailed and authentic insights into the experience of evaluating and purchasing enterprise software.

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