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How ALICE Virtual Receptionist Makes A Lasting First Impression

Virtual assistant technology and adoption was already a $5.82 billion industry when the pandemic struck in 2020. According to a recent study, it’s expected to grow annually by about 28.5 percent between now and 2028.

Clearly, businesses see the value. In the following article, we’ll be examining the capabilities and the benefits of a virtual receptionist. Let’s begin!

What Can Virtual Receptionists Do?

The specific functions of a virtual receptionist are broad. What a system does depends on what you need. Some use their as a virtual waiting room by detecting visitors and offering basic greetings.

Others, patch calls immediately to the appropriate personnel. As this technology continues to develop, it will effectively reduce the administrative workload to nothing.

How Is ALICE Exceptional?

You can choose from several virtual receptionist platforms, but not all are created equally. The ALICE Receptionist system is engineered to integrate with many popular enterprise system brands like Siemens, Cisco, Slack and Azure.

It’s exceptional in how much it can take off the plates of companies to focus their talent on areas that grow the business. Some of the features include the following:

• Visitor detection and greeting
• Connectivity through tenant and employee directory listings
• Video/audio calls
• Induction documentation and videos
• Employee notifications
• Temperature checks
• Maps
• Forms

With the pandemic of 2020 forcing more contactless administrative tasks, companies expect more from their virtual tools. The ALICE Receptionist offers that along with a slew of additional benefits.

1. Use Your Talent in Better Ways

ALICE gives organizations the ability to do more with their talent. Take the healthcare sector as an example. Registered nurses are highly skilled positions that can be spending their time in better ways than collecting forms and entering data.

The ALICE Receptionist can take this fundamental and mundane task off the plate of these hard-working professionals so they can focus more on patient care. This can also reduce clients’ frustration who don’t have to wait as long to be seen.

2. Better Serve Your Customers

Many of the questions, concerns, and needs that customers have can be handled quickly without human intervention, playing phone tag, or waiting, as mentioned above. A well-organized, robust virtual assistant like ALICE empowers customers to find solutions to their problems more quickly through a few essential question-and-answer exchanges.

When customers can address their issues promptly, their frustration levels go down. When they’re unable to find solutions on their own, they’re more easily able to connect with someone who can help them, thanks to those employees being freed up from the mundane tasks that the virtual program is handling.

3. Handle Scheduling More Easily

Scheduling is another task that doesn’t require much interaction. What used to be possible only with a live greeter or guest interaction can now be done in seconds.

The employee benefit to this is that your talent doesn’t have to take time out of their core tasks for something that requires no specialized training. The client or customer benefit is that they can set up an appointment easily on their own time.

4. Add a Touch of Professionalism

Using the ALICE Receptionist to greet and interact with your clients or customers adds a professional touch to how they see you. Instead of wading into unfamiliar territory with an empty office lobby and a directory, or portal to your website, they’re immediately welcomed and shepherded to the appropriate channels.

This type of immediate care incorporates cutting-edge technology that presents your company as a forward-thinking leader in the business. As a result, more customers have a favorable impression of the services you provide.

5. Makes Customers Feel They Can Always Connect

Whether it’s a virtual check-in or a referral to the FAQ for answers to common questions, customers using ALICE always feel like they can connect. They won’t feel lost or confused with ALICE to guide them.

Constant connectivity gives the impression that you’re always open. This allows your business to work for you outside of “normal hours,” and makes clients or customers feel like you’re available on their terms, 24/7.

6. Problem Solving

Another key benefit of a virtual receptionist is something we’ve already mentioned but is nonetheless deserving of its own space: problem-solving. Your ALICE Receptionist can ascertain what your clients and customers need with a short dialogue.

From there, it can connect them to the right solutions that will quickly handle problems that might be described as “low-hanging fruit.” This clears out your workload, allowing human capital to provide the more specialized care that customers with advanced issues or questions require.

7. Conquer the Wait Times

The healthcare profession is an excellent example of how the ALICE Receptionist can ease frustrations. Medical facilities can get a bad reputation for wait times. No one likes sitting out in the lobby wondering when their name will be called.

It starts to feel more like “if” than “when.” Or at least, that seemed to be the case before reliance on virtual programs came into being.

Today, patients can check-in, as well as fill out appropriate forms, advance of their appointment.

8. Save Money

Installing a kiosk helps your clients and customers become more self-sufficient, while saving you money. It does this by reducing the amount spent on unskilled employees or overtime for skilled employees who would otherwise be forced to do unskilled labor.

Put a Virtual Receptionist to Work for You

Having a receptionist like ALICE comes with too many benefits to ignore. Suppose you’re in technology, healthcare, or any sector where your employees are tasked with too many unskilled jobs that could be handled with a bit of technological intervention. In that case, you should consider it for your company today.

Sign up today or contact ALICE Receptionist with any questions you may have.

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